Projects, designs, articles and products supporting Amateur radio in South Africa
While I make no claims as to technical accuracy, good design, or necessarily even
originality for the contents on my web site, I am a simple electronics enthusiast
attempting to convey my love and enjoyment of radio, electronics, and computing and
perhaps to inspire YOU to build something too. The web site contains projects, articles
and designs that I have put together over many years. Wherever applicable I have
named sources and references. In each project I have attempted to provide as much
information as time and resources allow, but no responsibility can be accepted for
inaccuracies or omissions. I also supply various products under the product section
which are sourced internationally to supply a growing hobby market with affordable
products and projects. If you have any comments or suggestions, please drop me an
email to
Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio
RaDAR or rather Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio is the brainchild of Eddie Leighton
ZS6BNE. Started back in 2009, it has grown into an international phenomenon with
interest from all corners of the globe.
The concept has evolved from Shack In A Sack to RaDAR over a very short time and
is now a recognised contest platform.
To read more please click on the link below.
Read More
The section above has all the links to the latest projects and development happening
on the ZS6KMD work bench. I try and keep this section updated to provide a point
of interest for those who are keen to try out my projects for themselves.
Check back regularly because this section will change almost daily.
Latest Projects & Developments
Guest Book